a researcher or researcher, after do a watchfulness, very suggested to soon publicize the watchfulness result. because a lot of benefit that be got with publicize watchfulness result, particularly follow-up existence from watchfulness result (development) or to avoid theme same from itself watchfulness.
a lot of manner that can be done researcher in publicize the watchfulness result, between can be done through presentation in seminar and or pass scientific journals, local also international.
in this session us will discuss to how to write title and abstract.
how does title writing style good? or more precisely may be how do we interesting our article reader candidate attention with title?
follow book, there are some matter that can be done. first, title whom we make must reflect working paper overall contents. second, try title that made to answer question and or offered a answer. can also you make article hits a certain matter that crowded talked about, for example in this time crowded is hitting global heating rumors problem. try to make a scientific article title hits this matter, undoubtedly one who will read this title interested to read overall your article.
after title, before another person decides to read your scientific article they do read abstract. abstract is one part of the primal in a scientific article. does somebody interested with article you make a large part determined after read abstract.
for that, what actually wanted in make a abstract? ?
there 4 important steps that must be carried out, that is
1.create space watchfulness, this matter can be done by:
(a)express the important area whom you are careful (can be showed with watchfulness
quantity at area same)
(b)show scientific article deficit that there (in the field of same sure), (c) show
your scientific article aim
2.elaborate watchfulness methodology clearly
3.express watchfulness result (briefly and clear sure)
4.evaluation- watchfulness result that done (article conclusion)
long abstract usually 100-200 word. follow hadijanto in zifirdaus, stage 2 and 4 not obligatory there in a abstract.
abstract is summary from article contents in format briefest. for working paper, usually that abstract only consists of one or two paragraphs. meanwhile to thesis and task ends, abstract usually limited one yard. for that contents from unnecessary abstract" blossomed" and wide, enough direct to the kernel. really difficulty that faced how enclose all stories in one yard. exactly that is the challenge. there also scientific article that wants extended abstract. if this be abstract longer, usually espoused with above more support. usually extended abstract this wanted when we send working paper for seminar or conference.
this some of review i towards watchfulness that ready made. majority abstract at compile on chapter 'total in watchfulness report. if a report/skripsi consist of 5 chapters:
(1) foreword
(2) book study
(3) methodology
(4) analysis and discussion
(5) casing.
so should write abstract as follows:
1. first summary paragraph from hind/foreword 'surface
2. second summary paragraph from theory 'study
3. third summary paragraph from 'methodology
4. paragraph fourth paragraph summary from 'analysis and discussion
5. five paragraph summary from 'casing/conclusion and suggestion
a lot of manner that can be done researcher in publicize the watchfulness result, between can be done through presentation in seminar and or pass scientific journals, local also international.
in this session us will discuss to how to write title and abstract.
how does title writing style good? or more precisely may be how do we interesting our article reader candidate attention with title?
follow book, there are some matter that can be done. first, title whom we make must reflect working paper overall contents. second, try title that made to answer question and or offered a answer. can also you make article hits a certain matter that crowded talked about, for example in this time crowded is hitting global heating rumors problem. try to make a scientific article title hits this matter, undoubtedly one who will read this title interested to read overall your article.
after title, before another person decides to read your scientific article they do read abstract. abstract is one part of the primal in a scientific article. does somebody interested with article you make a large part determined after read abstract.
for that, what actually wanted in make a abstract? ?
there 4 important steps that must be carried out, that is
1.create space watchfulness, this matter can be done by:
(a)express the important area whom you are careful (can be showed with watchfulness
quantity at area same)
(b)show scientific article deficit that there (in the field of same sure), (c) show
your scientific article aim
2.elaborate watchfulness methodology clearly
3.express watchfulness result (briefly and clear sure)
4.evaluation- watchfulness result that done (article conclusion)
long abstract usually 100-200 word. follow hadijanto in zifirdaus, stage 2 and 4 not obligatory there in a abstract.
abstract is summary from article contents in format briefest. for working paper, usually that abstract only consists of one or two paragraphs. meanwhile to thesis and task ends, abstract usually limited one yard. for that contents from unnecessary abstract" blossomed" and wide, enough direct to the kernel. really difficulty that faced how enclose all stories in one yard. exactly that is the challenge. there also scientific article that wants extended abstract. if this be abstract longer, usually espoused with above more support. usually extended abstract this wanted when we send working paper for seminar or conference.
this some of review i towards watchfulness that ready made. majority abstract at compile on chapter 'total in watchfulness report. if a report/skripsi consist of 5 chapters:
(1) foreword
(2) book study
(3) methodology
(4) analysis and discussion
(5) casing.
so should write abstract as follows:
1. first summary paragraph from hind/foreword 'surface
2. second summary paragraph from theory 'study
3. third summary paragraph from 'methodology
4. paragraph fourth paragraph summary from 'analysis and discussion
5. five paragraph summary from 'casing/conclusion and suggestion