Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009

SEO Smart Links

SEO Smart Links can automatically link keywords and phrases in your posts and comments with corresponding posts, pages, categories and tags on your blog.

Further SEO Smart links allows you to set up your own keywords and set of matching URLs.

Finally SEO Smart links allows you to set nofollow attribute and open links in new window.

Everything happens completely transparent, and you can edit the options from the administration settings panel.

How it Works?

SEO Smart Links looks for keyword phrases that match the titles of your posts and pages by default (and you can enable categories and tags matching too). These phrases are then turned into the links. The matching is case insensitive and the original case is preserved.

So If I mention Amazing Grace, which is my theme and also the title of one of my pages, it will be automatically converted into a link.

Everything happens completely transparent, and you can edit the options from the administration settings panel.

 SEO Smart Links


  • Find keywords in your posts, pages and comments and link them to your other posts, pages, categories and tags
  • Full control with customizable options
  • Ignore list for keywords you do not want to link
  • Improves your site's interlinking
  • Control external links with custom keywords
  • Add nofollw attribute or open links in new window
  • Caching for speed - make sure you have define('ENABLE_CACHE', true); set in your wp-config.php


dl SEO Smart Links

Installation & Usage

  1. Upload the whole plugin folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  2. Go to the Plugins page and activate the plugin.
  3. Use the Options page to change your options
  4. That is all. You can check your posts for new links.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can discuss all plugin related issues in the wordpress related forums.

How do I correctly use this plugin?

Just install activate it on your blog. SEO Smart links will be default find matching links to your post and pages (if the keyword in your text matches their title).

Default options are enough to get you going. If you want to tweak it, you can always edit the options. Be sure to check "ignore" options where you can state what keywords and phrases not to link.

How do I enable SEO Smart Links cache?

Make sure you have enabled WordPress cache by adding this line to your wp-config.php

define('ENABLE_CACHE', true);

Please be careful when editing this file and always make a backup!


- Performance optimization of the plugin. SEO Smart Links causes much lesser strain on the server.

- Added option to process only single posts and pages

- Added nofollow and new window options

- Added option for custom keywrods. No you can specify unlimited numbers of your keywords and url's to link to

- Enabled caching for speeding queries up.

- Added limits options
- Fixed small bugs

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